We always relished the nod of the greetsman

We always relished the nod of the greetsman

A moment at #Ponder

A moment at #Ponder

04 Trimble_Scott A_Each #moment a dozen recollections strong_04.jpg
Worry not, for perfection is merely a notion that does not exist

Worry not, for perfection is merely a notion that does not exist

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

And the gang it had a leader and the leader he was good

And the gang it had a leader and the leader he was good

The brute force of thought

The brute force of thought

The harlequin covet

The harlequin covet

Oil on canvas, 36” x 24” (2014)

Portrait with flowering tree reflection on face

Portrait with flowering tree reflection on face

You some kinda holy?

You some kinda holy?

Two more in the Bonding Sea

Two more in the Bonding Sea


We had an inkling

We had an inkling

Can you hear the song of my dream? - ON HOLD

Can you hear the song of my dream? - ON HOLD

Oil on canvas, 30" x 24" (2016) SOLD

The social blanket was peppered with staccato half-thoughts

The social blanket was peppered with staccato half-thoughts

Dear hand, my heart tells me we'll ford Midnight River by daybreak

Dear hand, my heart tells me we'll ford Midnight River by daybreak

The true wants of #empathy

The true wants of #empathy

High on chem trail theories

High on chem trail theories

30" x 40"

Go ask the land to mimic the sky 2016-07-01.jpg
Nature lightly swallow the horizon.jpeg