A marble’s roll of self-reflection

A marble’s roll of self-reflection

Oil on canvas, 30” x 24” (2016)

There I saw the three flowers of my future

There I saw the three flowers of my future

Oil on canvas, 30” x 24” x 1.25” (2016)

Nota bene – agony, so often playfully contrived

Nota bene – agony, so often playfully contrived

Oil on linen, 24” x 30” x .75” (2016)

Did he really just say Word Up

Did he really just say Word Up

Dear hand my heart tells me we will ford Midnight River by daybreak

Dear hand my heart tells me we will ford Midnight River by daybreak

One friend complains, and the other friend listens

One friend complains, and the other friend listens

You some kinda holy

You some kinda holy

In fact the Industrial Age peppered the social blanket with staccato half thoughts

In fact the Industrial Age peppered the social blanket with staccato half thoughts

The preacher whistles a stupid tune

The preacher whistles a stupid tune

Copy of We always relished the nod of the greetsman

Copy of We always relished the nod of the greetsman

Oil on canvas, 24” x 30” (2015), $1100

Pressed to reply with an ever-elusive answer_2017_30x24.jpg
1 hello 300.jpg
3 pairing 300-3000.jpg
Photo Feb 27, 10 08 49 PM.jpg
Photo Jan 19, 10 57 31 PM.jpg
Photo May 02, 9 49 54 PM.jpg
Photo Sep 05, 11 01 24 AM.jpg